Spring 2024 Art History/Museum Studies Student Intern
Isobel Wyman

Hi. My name is Isobel, and I am a third-year student majoring in History and minoring In Art History/Museum Studies. I like to bake, read and paint in my spare time. I am interested in both conservation and curation.
My internship involved me curating the three display cases on level 9 of the Fine Arts Building with Inuit sculptures from the art gallery’s collection. The cases were installed at the end of March 2024. The theme of the cases is about the struggles the Arctic is facing from the threat of climate change and how to fix this threat climate change research needs to shift its focus to Indigenous voices and knowledge.
I have really enjoyed my internship at the ULethbridge Art Gallery. My favorite part of my time here has been learning more about conservation and getting to experience the process of conservation in a gallery, such as getting the chance to condition report different pieces of artwork.