About – Project Wall

Main Gallery Entrance (adjacent to)
W600, Centre for the Arts
4401 University Drive, Lethbridge
Alberta, Canada T1K 3M4

Active Monday – Saturday 9 am – 4:30 pm and Thursday evening until 8 pm, unless otherwise noted for special events.

Project Wall
I think people can easily agree that the advent of the smart phone has been terrific for the promotion of events and cultural organizations, but for the U of L Art Gallery, it has meant another, less obvious boon for our visibility. The wall flanking the entrance to the main gallery used to be a bank of pay phones, but when the university removed this obsolete technology, it made a great opportunity for the U of L Art Gallery to create a dedicated promotional wall. We requested a renovation that included the gallery standard drywall over 3/4 inch plywood backing so that the wall could support hanging things in frames and we did have the foresight to build in electrical and internet connections. Spurred by successful student design projects I had seen around campus, I initiated a call for proposals from the students and faculty in New Media to create something for the new wall to raise the profile of the main art gallery for those walking by. I had assumed that we’d get ideas that involved applying vinyl or other traditional options. Instead, Leanne Elias, Department of New Media, delighted and surprised me with a fabulously innovative idea to install an interactive projection. Brendan Matkin created a superb inaugural project and, with the system in place, we will be interested in further proposals for ideas to promote the gallery and our exhibitions and programs.

Brendan Matkin

Alyssa Buck
Dana Cooley
Leanne Elias
Carl Spencer

The Art Gallery would like to thank the experts in U of L Facilities for their work in renovating the wall and installing the technology:
U of L Facilities
Jim Vanderzee
Bill Hudains
Mick Nutley
Al Mueller
Pack Peterson

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