Lethbridge Downtown BRZ presents an En Plein Air event during Culture Days 2015:
Come draw, paint, photograph, (or whichever medium you use) en plein air in Downtown Lethbridge during Culture Days!
Set up in the downtown core on Saturday, September 26, between 10 am and 4 pm. Be sure to check in with the Downtown Lethbridge BRZ and Lethbridge Main Street Project office located at 309 – 6 Street South before setting off for any last minute info. Be courteous and remember not to block access to any businesses while creating! (We advise you to work in pairs if you feel uncomfortable about being engaged by passersby.)
Please email RSVP to volunteer organizer Leila Armstrong (leilaarmstrongshawca)
Brought to you by the Downtown Lethbridge BRZ (infodowntownlethbridgecom) and the University of Lethbridge Art Gallery (jonoxleyulethca) .